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Backyard Party Ideas
May 24, 2011

Backyard Party Ideas

Theme Party Queen

I can not believe how fast this month is racing by! It is already Memorial Day weekend here in the States and we are preparing for some outside fun this weekend.

I do not have my exact menu figured out yet, but I do know that I will be grilling salmon on cedar planks that I just bought. I have never done this before so it will be an experiment for us.

I also want to make my Grandma's Lime Cashew Jello sometime over the weekend. Sounds weird right? Well it is unexpectantly fantastic and I haven't had it in years so I am really looking forward to it.

Our grown kids will both be home which is so rare. If the weather cooperates maybe we will be able to get out in the yard and play some games. Need some ideas? Visit our Backyard Party Ideas page for some inspiration.

Hopefully you too will be able to enjoy some outside activities over the next few weeks. Sending great weather wishes your way.

Until Next Time,

Sandee Lembke

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