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From Sandee Lembke - Cranberry/Butterscotch Cocktail
December 21, 2009

Theme Party Queen

For the next couple of weeks, there will be many occasions to try out another cocktail recipe from my friend Madonna. Remember, she's the one that gave us the Pear Vodka Martini Recipe?

Well, she's struck again with this one. Not sure it has a name yet so I'll leave that up to you but here's how you make it:

By the Pitcher

  • 1 cup Butterscotch Schnapps
  • 1 cup Vodka
  • 1 cup Cranberry Juice

Notice that it's made with equal parts of all ingredients so you could easily make it for 1 person or 50.

I know the combination of ingredients sounds kind of strange but trust me, they all come together in a cranberry vodka cocktail that is perfect for the holidays. Hope you like it as much as I do.

Holiday Party Planning

Christmas Party Ideas
Make Your Own Invitations
New Years Recipes

Until Next Time,

Sandee Lembke

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