Theme Party Queen Home : Birthday Parties At Home : 16th Birthday Party Ideas

16th Birthday Party Ideas

Not every child wants to have a traditional sweet sixteen birthday party. They don't really want to dress up in poufy dresses or suits and parade around for everyone to marvel at how fast they have grown up. They don't want to hear stories about how cute they were when they were babies.

Party Recipes

Sixteen year olds want excitement and fun. They want 16th birthday party ideas that will be the talk of the school while still falling in line with their parents rules. They want to let loose and feel grown up, even though they aren't quite grown.

This can be tough to meet, but the following 16th birthday party ideas will get your creative mind going.

TV or Movie Theme

16th Birthday Party Ideas

What television shows or movies does your 16 year old like to watch? If they are into a popular movie like Twilight you can have a dress up theme event complete with food items that are known favorites of show characters, like Bella's grilled cheese sandwiches, celery sticks and red licorice.

You can do this for any type of show that your growing teen and their friends like to watch. Have them get involved with the details and make sure all guests know to come in costume.

Cookin' With Friends Theme

16th Birthday Party Ideas

The great thing about 16 year olds is they are old enough to do a lot of things that younger children just cannot do for themselves like cooking for their own big day!

Have your birthday child pick out recipes or give you names of dishes that would make up their dream buffet. If they are already familiar with basic cooking principles, have them choose gourmet recipes that are more challenging to create.

Once they pick out the recipes tell them they will be making their own meal and snacks along with all their friends. Everyone throws on an apron that they get to keep at the end of the day.

Our partner, Flirty Aprons, has a great selection of, well, Flirty Aprons! They come in several shapes, colors and sizes and are perfect for all cooks, young or old. They even have a selection of aprons for men and aprons with pockets or without.

Just Hangin' Out Theme

16th Birthday Party Ideas

This is one of the only 16th birthday party ideas that will fly for teens who don't want to make a big deal out of their birthday. Simply create the biggest hang out bash that has ever occurred in your home.

Serve some of the honoree's favorite drinks and snacks or choose some of our tasty dip recipes.

They get to have all of their friends over at once and they don't have to do anything but hang out and be themselves. You will be amazed how quickly they create their own party atmosphere according to their unique personalities.

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